Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth – The Kibo Code

Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth – The Kibo Code


The growing success of e-commerce sites around the world has made the entrepreneurial pattern more realistic than ever. Whether you’re looking to increase your monthly income, want to start a full-time business or just share your products with the world, setting up an e-commerce site with The Kibo Code System is the perfect platform to make your dreams come true.

We at The Kibo Code Review and Bonus Website want to see you turn your business ideas into a business reality, especially as e-commerce in the Middle East is expected to grow to $13.4 billion by 2020, and we don’t want to miss that. That’s why this week we give a brief overview of everything you need to take your e-commerce project from the design panel to the web.


When you start your e-commerce there are many aspects that you need to consider, but the most important question that will need to be answered for any e-commerce project is what you will sell.

The ecommerce market is competitive so you have to look at areas where you have an advantage. This could mean selling the product you designed, selling to a particular community in niche markets, or picking up new trends early on. Ensuring that you have a viable product from the outset helps lay a solid foundation for your e-commerce.


Developing a clear business plan is critical to creating a successful business, not just because your e-commerce is done online makes it an exception. You need a business plan that includes a finance and marketing strategy, and business advertising.

You need to develop a clear idea of ​​how to reach success and what stages you need to achieve along the way. The most important outcome of this stage is to develop a long-term plan for what you want your business to be.


If you have a technical background to build your site from scratch this is always an option, but the odds are that you will want to take advantage of the resources already available to create an online store. With sites like Shopify eCommerce you can buy your domain name and use the tools available at these sites to build a custom website from the ground up.

Once you have completed the technical parts of the website, you will need to think about the overall design of your website. You’ll need to set up a general framework for the site, headlines, and organize your products in categories that are easy to search and navigate. You will also need to complete the Store Profile section and decide whether to use a company blog.


In addition to determining what you will be selling, you will need to think about building your inventory. If you do not manufacture the products yourself, you will need to find a supplier or find a way for you to distribute through resale.

Shipping is another order that may build or destroy your business. If you choose an inexperienced shipping partner, customers may experience a bad experience that could lead to negative feedback. Take time to understand what different logistics companies can offer and if you’re not sure, ask for advice.


Once you have created your business, made a list of your inventory, and have dealt with all (or at least the most) damage points in your website, it is time to start thinking about the official opening of the company.

How you launch your website will largely depend on the resources you have available. If your business is small, make sure you don’t use social media to advertise your site. After launching your site should not end your marketing plan, make sure you are using Google Analytics to better understand you customers and their habits. In order for your The Kibo Code Website to be effective, you must work continuously to grow your customer base.

Keep the work going

Once you finish everything and make sure the site is running, your only job is to keep it done. Try to know all the technical aspects and continue to eradicate any damage on site. You will also need to familiarize yourself with the company’s stock, make decisions about new products which will be discontinued, and provide customer service to maintain customer satisfaction.


Name of course: The Kibo Code | Size: 17.2 GB

Original Price: $3497 | Sale Price: $30

Status: Completed

Delivery Method: Instant Download (Mega, Pcloud)

Contact me for the proof and payment detail: Chat with us OR [email protected]

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